Up to 40% Of Hospitals and Healthcare Providers Spend Time Manually Chasing Down Information

Up to 40% of hospitals and healthcare providers spend time manually chasing down information.

Despite so many technological advancements, we still use paper to store information and have no means to extract the details digitally.

Using AI and deep learning, we can pull out the data on paper and put together a process to analyze that.

Other than process automation, these tools will also help with cognitive insight and cognitive engagement (I’ll talk more about these in the coming videos).

Hospitals should take a step back to see how they can bring in AI and deep learning to make use of these exciting opportunities.

We've helped many hospitals start that adventure.

Got any questions?

I’d love to have a conversation with you.

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Recommended Playlists:

Data Analytics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vAZJtC8gWs&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsxRjr6sU-2wlx0CpNyqaCU-

Hospital Supply Chain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqbYXSXtPd8&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsw8QbmxIbg8DaRGf69zTzC9

Audiograms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZTZVcYh7xc&list=PLgrQkbpxRHswFXiOrxoVDoG0djWGGkbEw

Invoice ROI™ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ln1GQRqmoY&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsz0Qmnpmii6GXm0Shpu7iT3

The Healthcare Leadership Experience Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI2eJQgqAYs&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsyWomPfDD-k1rSgSJWGImA1

Latest Uploads - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZsaS-Uc4go&list=UUB1WOnv5GlYGf39sMzrU6gw&index=2

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