Why We Decided to Re-Do Our Website

We decided to re-do our website.

Here’s why:

We rely a lot on organic search traffic.

We’ve spent much time and effort producing a lot of great content for hospitals and healthcare leaders.

But we found out that our website’s theme was not ideal for Google search.

So for the last 2 weeks, I have been working with our remarkable website team, who have put us on the new theme.

It’s exciting to witness that we’ve already seen an increase in traffic.

The same team has helped us create our website content by taking some of our team’s thought leadership and developing it.

With this new change, I’m looking forward to being found by more hospitals and helping them with our research reports and other helpful content around supply chain, finance, cost savings, data analytics, etc.

I’ve linked our website below if you wish to check it out.

Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1WOnv5GlYGf39sMzrU6gw?sub_confirmation=1

Recommended Playlists:

Data Analytics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vAZJtC8gWs&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsxRjr6sU-2wlx0CpNyqaCU-

Hospital Supply Chain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqbYXSXtPd8&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsw8QbmxIbg8DaRGf69zTzC9

Audiograms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZTZVcYh7xc&list=PLgrQkbpxRHswFXiOrxoVDoG0djWGGkbEw

Invoice ROI™ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ln1GQRqmoY&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsz0Qmnpmii6GXm0Shpu7iT3

The Healthcare Leadership Experience Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI2eJQgqAYs&list=PLgrQkbpxRHsyWomPfDD-k1rSgSJWGImA1

Latest Uploads - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZsaS-Uc4go&list=UUB1WOnv5GlYGf39sMzrU6gw&index=2

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