Why Engage a Healthcare Consulting Firm? | Ep.21

Open the next link to discover more about Healthcare Consulting, you can check out: https://www.thehealthcareleadershipexperience.com/

This video is presenting Healthcare Consulting valuable information but also tries to cover the following subject:
- Healthcare consultant
- The advantages of working with a specialized consulting firm
- What should a hospital expect from a healthcare consulting firm

So you want to find out more about Healthcare Consulting, I did too, and here's the video I made.
Healthcare Consulting interested me so I did some research and published this to YT.
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Have I answered all of your concerns about Healthcare Consulting?
On today's episode, Lisa is joined by her Producer, Lisa Larter from The Lisa Larter Group as well as Rich Dormer and Bryan Covert from VIE Healthcare to discuss why a hospital or healthcare system would engage a healthcare consulting firm.

In this episode:

• The advantages of working with a specialized consulting firm
• What should a hospital expect from a healthcare consulting firm?
• Reports are not enough, you need implementation
• Red flags to look out for
• 3 important client outcomes

Connect with Lisa:

📧 lmiller@viehealthcare.com

🖥 https://viehealthcare.com
