The Healthcare Leadership Experience Radio Show Episode 10 — Audiogram A

In these audiograms, taken from Episode 10 of The Healthcare Leadership Experience, Lisa Miller is joined by Noah Fleming, strategic marketing expert and CEO of The Fleming Consulting Company.

Audiogram A
Referrals need to be effective in generating additional revenue and attracting new patients. Liaisons need to be focused on that outcome. To be successful there has to be a process in place. You need to ask for referrals. Hospitals need to ensure tools and processes are in place to ensure that’s happening.

Audiogram B
The role of physician liaison should be focused on sales. Organizations become like leaky buckets if their processes aren’t fine-tuned. The same applies to healthcare. If your patient experience has holes in it, you’ll lose business.

Audiogram C
There’s a simple way to analyze customer service issues. Is the concern valid or invalid? or invalid. If it’s valid the customer didn’t get what they paid for, that might be the wrong treatment or procedure. Sometimes people are having a bad day and want a discount. Understanding where the patient is coming from helps hospitals to respond effectively.

Audiogram D
Anyone can be a great sales person if they deliver something memorable or meaningful for the customer. If we understand that, we’ll succeed. Sometimes we need to look at things from the patient’s perspective and analyze what our competitors are doing that we aren’t. Where can we improve? These are the rules today. We all need to adapt.

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